Evanston’s Design Heritage: Architects, Designers & Planners

Our new book profiles 127 of Evanston’s notable architects, designers, landscape architects and planners who have lived and worked in Evanston, with an introduction by public TV personality Geoffrey Baer.
See our November 2020 presentation to AIA Chicago on Vimeo.
Major funding for the book came from the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, Evanston Community Foundation and the Evanston Arts Council. Design Evanston members Stuart Cohen, Kris Hartzell, Tom Hofmaier, Heidrun Hoppe, Laura Saviano, Bob Teska and Jack Weiss spent nearly two years researching candidates, cataloging selections, gathering photographs, verifying information, writing essays and captions, editing and designing the book.
You can purchase the book at Bookends & Beginnings, Chicago-Main Newsstand, Evanston History Center, Page 1 or our website.
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Design Evanston
2506 Payne Street
Evanston IL 60201
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Evanston’s Design Heritage: Architects, Designers & Planners
Hardbound @ $25
Evanston’s Design Heritage: Architects, Designers & Planners
Softbound @ $15