Upcoming Events
Past Events
Member Mixer Social Gathering
Several Design Evanston members gathered in a inspiring environment at the Evanston Rebuilding Exchange, over hors d’oeuvres and beverages for good conversation, connection, and informal brainstorming for future programming.
DE speaks at the City’s Land Use Commission Meeting
Jack Weiss, Founder and Board Member Emeritus of Design Evanston, presented a recommendation at the City of Evanston Land Use Commission Meeting on the EE 2045 Comprehensive Plan to install an Urban Design Commission (UDC). Jack asserted that a UDC would be critical to the success of many of the efforts in the Comprehensive Plan, noting several sections in the draft document where the involvement of a UDC should be inserted. The formation of such a Commission was originally proposed in 2023, in collaboration with city staffer Cade Sterling (Preservation), but it was tabled as a topic to address once the then upcoming Comprehensive Plan process was underway. Design Evanston/Jack, is reminding that this need has been overlooked and now is the time to re-visit.
DE speaks at the City’s Land Use Commission Meeting
Dave Galloway, Vice President of the DE Board, presented an overview of the official statement prepared by professional members of Design Evanston which included specific suggestions to help improve upon the subsequent draft of the EE2045 Comprehensive Plan. The statement was included as part of the City’s 1/29 Land Use Commission meeting agenda package, available on the city’s website, and was well-received by the commission, spurring further discussion. A large portion of the statement was quoted the following day in the Evanston Round Table.
900 Clark Street Project Review
Continuum Capital Partners, Luxury Living Chicago and Antunovich Associates Architects presented to Design Evanston professional members for review of their planned development “The Apartments at Church Street Plaza” – a 27-story tower with 358 dwelling units at 900 Clark Street. The meeting was held at the Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center.
2200-2206 Maple Avenue Project Review
Design Evanston professional members reviewed plans, drawings and renderings presented by local realtor/developer Paul Harb, and architect Gregory Geslicki of OCGG Architects (CA) for a 5-story mid-rise residential building, consisting of 30 dwelling units. The meeting was held at the Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center.
DE Professional Members meet re: EE2045 Zoning Draft
Design Evanston professional members met at the Evanston Public Library for a working session to review and discuss the proposed Envision Evanston 2045 Draft Zoning Ordinance. The result of this and possibly a 2nd meeting was to prepare a formal DE review to submit to City officials and the Land Use Commission at a future date.
DE Professional Members meet re: EE2045 Draft Comprehensive Plan
Design Evanston professional members met via zoom for a 2nd session to discuss the City of Evanston’s Envision Evanston 2045 Draft Comprehensive Plan. Three breakout groups discussed the following chapters: Future Land Use Strategy, Land Use, and Housing. The result of this meeting was to formulate official DE comments to be shared with the City officials and the Land Use Commission at a later date.
DE Professional Members meet re: EE2045 Draft Comprehensive Plan
Professional Members of Design Evanston met at Three Crowns Park to discuss the City of Evanston’s Envision Evanston 2045 Draft Comprehensive Plan. Bob Teska, longtime Evanston-based urban planner and co-founder of Design Evanston was in attendance. Consolidated remarks from this session were to be shared with representatives of the City of Evanston’s Planning Department.
Tour of Tapestry Station
The property management team at Tapestry Station hosted Design Evanston members for an exclusive tour of this new community on the Main Dempster Mile. The tour included access to three of the 27 distinctive floor plans, including studio, one, and two-bedroom rental apartments as well the fitness studio, co-working space and rooftop deck.
605 Davis Street Review
Design Evanston professional members participated in a presentation of the proposed 605 Davis Street project by Kerry Dickson and Richard Choi–Vermilion Development, Chris Dillion–Campbell Coyle, and James Michaels–Solomon Cordwell Buenz. The proposal is for a mixed-use office and residential tower with ground floor retail and parking.
Civic Center Plaza Proposal Review
Design Evanston professional members participated in a zoom presentation of the Civic Center Plaza proposal by City of Evanston Economic Development Manager Paul Zalmezak, and Living Habitats consultants, Heidi Natura, and other members of her team. An official Design Evanston review statement was sent to Paul in early January.
910-938 Custer Street Project Review
Design Evanston professional members were hosted by developers CDG Real Estate, Catapult Real Estate Solutions + CityPads Chicago at Tapestry Station to give input on their proposed multi-family planned development project for 910-938 Custer Street. Plans, renderings and materials were presented.
2024 Design Evanston Design Awards
Our 2024 Design Awards Presentation, held at Double Clutch Brewery, honored nearly 40 projects that brought significant aesthetic and functional improvements to the Evanston community. The event was attended by over 100 award recipients, Design Evanston members, and city and community partners. Visit our awards page to see the winners.
1621 Chicago Avenue Project Review
Attorney Michael Ezgur and project architect Tim Kent presented the latest design schematic of the 1621 Chicago Avenue development, a 12-story proposal. (This was the 2nd time Design Evanston members were invited to review this project — the last review was April 15 of 2019.)
First Additions Book Launch and Signing
Several Design Evanston members were present at Bookends & Beginnings (co-hosts of the event) for a presentation by residential architects Stuart Cohen and Julie Hacker about their new book, First Additions: Strategies for Adding On, which presents theoretical essays about making additions followed by a portfolio of their house additions.
1300 Chicago Avenue Project Review
Howard Weiner with Chicago Development Partners presented his 1300 Chicago Avenue planned mid-rise, project (NW corner of Chicago and Dempster) including 77 dwelling units, to Design Evanston professional members for their review.
Envision Evanston 2045 – Development Scenario Workshop
Several professional members of Design Evanston participated in an event at SPACE hosted by the City of Evanston which called for community members who work with and make decisions affecting Evanston’s built environment, including real estate professionals, architects, engineers, various organizations and community leaders. Attendees were be presented with development scenarios for three locations with possible future development potential.
Envision Evanston 2045 Focus Group
Design Evanston was invited by the City of Evanston and its EE2045 consultants to participate in a Design Professionals focus group as part of the Envision Evanston 2045 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code update process, held at the Evanston Public Library. Several DE members were in attendance for presentations and discussion.
Hard Hat Tour: Varsity Theatre Building
Twenty four Design Evanston professional members and affiliates took a hard-hat tour led by owner Steven Rogin of the in-progress adaptive re-use of the Varsity Theater building in downtown Evanston. The building will house 10,000 square feet of retail space (some in Bookman’s Alley), 33 apartments, and 2 live/work spaces.
Chicago Reflected – A presentation by architect/author Ryan Chester
Seven Design Evanston professional members were in attendance at architect/author Ryan Chester’s presentation of Chicago Reflected a unique and playful hand-drawn exploration of the Chicago River’s Landscape, held at Bookends & Beginnings, co-hosts of the event.
Envision Evanston 2045 Meeting
As part of the City’s Envision Evanston 2045 initiative, 17 Design Evanston professional members and affiliates met at Robert Crown Community Center with HDR, Inc., the consulting firm facilitating the creation of the City of Evanston’s new comprehensive plan and zoning code to share ideas and contribute thoughts. DE Board VP, David Galloway, is in continued conversation with City Planner Liz Williams and HDR on this topic.
Board Meeting – Election of New Officers
The new board re-elected Laura Saviano as president and Dave Galloway as vice president. Robert Natke was elected treasurer, Paula Bodnar Schmitt communications director, Elliott Dudnik, and Ariel Goldfarb members at large.
Design Evanston Annual Meeting
DEs annual meeting was held at the Firehouse Grill. Key results of the recent membership survey were discussed. A new board was elected comprised of Laura Saviano, Dave Galloway, Elliot Dudnik, Rob Natke, Paula Bodnar Schmitt and Ariel Goldfarb.
DE speaks at the City’s Planning & Development Committee Meeting
DE members Dave Galloway, Tom Hofmaier and Jack Weiss spoke in support of the proposal to create a Community Design Commission at the city’s Planning & Development Committee. DE had been collaborating on the effort for nearly a year. P&D tabled the proposal, pending the development of the new Comprehensive Plan.
Meeting with Councilmember Clare Kelly
The Design Evanston board met with councilmember Clare Kelly to review her submission “to create the Community Design Commission to replace DAPR” prior to being drafted as a formal ordinance.
Meeting with City Manager
Four DE board members met with City Manager Luke to review Design Evanston’s 21-point “Design Issues” list and discuss priorities for collaboration.
Meeting with Mayor Daniel Biss
DE board members Dave Galloway and Jack Weiss met with Mayor Daniel Biss to review Design Evanston’s 21-point “Design Issues” list and discuss priorities for collaboration.
Meeting with City Planners
DE board members Dave Galloway and Jack Weiss met with Elizabeth Williams, City of Evanston Planning Manager, and Cade Sterling, Planner, to review DEs “Topics of Discussion” and discuss plans for the Urban Design Commission. Subsequent zoom sessions followed with Council Member Clare Kelly.
Lincoln Street Bridge Replacement – Conceptual Design Report presented to City
Dave Galloway, Design Evanston, and Richard Miller, Working Group, presented the Conceptual Design Report for the Lincoln Street replacement bridge to City of Evanston representatives in preparation for the application for funding by IDOT.
Urban Design Commission
The DE Board met with Paul Zalmezak, Evanston’s Economic Development Manager, and Clare Kelly, 1st Ward Council Member, to discuss how DE can advocate for an Urban Design Commission. Conversations continue.
Lincoln Street Bridge Design Charette
10 DE professional members and others met with Richard Miller director of the Working Group for Better Bridges and Design Evanston team leader, Dave Galloway, to develop design concepts for the replacement bridge on Lincoln Street.
Tribune Tower Residences Tour
Twenty DE professional members met at the historic lobby to tour the Tribune Tower Residences designed by Solomon Cordwell Buenz. Jeannie Martini, sales director and Jeff Zdenahlic, project manager, led the group through exciting and unforgettable amenity spaces and model units.
Varsity Theater/Bookman’s Alley Project Review
Nineteen DE professional members met via zoom to conduct a Project Review of the Varsity Theater/Bookman’s Alley redevelopment proposal.
1740 Orrington Project Review
Twelve DE professional members met via zoom to conduct a Project Review of the 1740 Orrington project – a new science and research building on the old Burger King site.
Anderson Japanese Gardens & Laurent House Tour
Nine DE members and guests travelled to Rockford IL to tour the Anderson Japanese Gardens and Frank Lloyd Wright Laurent House.
1101 Church Street Project Review
Seven DE professional members met with the developer and architects to conduct a project review of their proposed adaptive reuse project at 1101 Church Street. The project was enthusiastically endorsed and report submitted to the city.
AIA Chicago
Seven authors of “Evanston’s Design Heritage” discussed the book in a 1-hour zoom presentation for AIA Chicago members.
Open House Chicago
The seven authors of “Evanston’s Design Heritage” discussed the book in a 1-hour zoom presentation for Open House Chicago. During the week-long OHC event viewers also were able to take a guided tour of sites featured in our book: “Evanston: 150 Years 150 Places”.
1900 Sherman Project Review
Ten DE professional members met with Cook County Housing Authority and architects with Pappageorge Haymes to conduct a project review of their proposed public housing at 1900 Sherman Avenue.
Century of Progress Home Tour
18 Design Evanston members and guests traveled to Beverly Shores, Indiana for a tour of the 1933 Century of Progress homes hosted by Indiana Landmarks.
Tour Spatz by Bike
Six DE members joined Andy Spatz on a fun bike ride to view many of his Evanston projects. Lively discussion followed with lunch at Ovo Frito on Maple Avenue.
Library Parking Lot Charette
Twenty DE professional members met to conduct a charette to consider future development of the Library Parking Lot at 1714-1720 Chicago Avenue. Historical, landscape, zoning and planning materials were presented to set the stage for three independent break-out sessions. Conclusions will be presented to the City Council and general public.
601 Davis Project Review 2
Nine DE professional members met with met with Vermillion Development and Solomon Cordwell Buenz team members to review their revised proposal for 601 Davis Street.
Merion Project Review
Ten DE professional members met with Merion team members to review their proposal for The Legacy at 1621-31 Chicago Avenue.
Chicago Architecture & Design
Open House Chicago
Eighteen Evanston sites were open during the 4th annual Open House Chicago event co-hosted by Design Evanston. With a total of 16,500 site visits, Evanston placed third among all the Chicago neighborhoods.
Lake Street Curiosities
There was a great turnout as 40 DE members and friends joined Dick Lanyon and Gary Langwell on a tour of two unique and seldom seen buildings on Lake Street: the Evanston Pumping Station and the Evanston Masonic Temple.